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Thursday, September 1, 2011

Reactions to TED

The information presented hit dead center on the basic problems of public education. Thye observations related to creativity hit the mark, it is appparent that through our reliance on testing to judge the accountability of schools and students - that risk taking - which is major aspect of creativity are taking a tool in what students learn and what teachers teach. The view of standardization also hits home, since it is based on the concept of the factory system of interchangable parts and an assembly line concept. That which does not meet the standard is to be discarded - which is what is happenig to many of our students. ( just look at the drop rate in urbanschool in particular.
The call for a revoultion rather than efforts at reform is also well taken. The definition that is ofetn been provided for insanity is / when an individual continuing to deal with issues and problems in a manner that has no chance of success. Reform is an effort to try and keep the same basic system in place - while attempting to make some changes in the the system whithout really chnaging the basic concepts of the system - this is insanity. Evolution - the belief that over time changes will impact the basic concepts of an approach or system is a great idea / except for all of the student we are losing but not making a REAL effort at systemic change.
I agree that it time to take to the barricades and force real systemic changes in the educational system - My belief is that technology will force this change to take place. We can no longer attempt to teach today's skills for tomorrow's world and expect our students to be successful. COME JOIN ME AT THE EDUCATIONAL BARRICADES TO BRING ABOUT A REAL REVOLUTION IN EDUCATION. WE HAVE NOTHING TO LOSE BUT A SYSTEM THAT IS ALREADY BEYOND REPAIR.

1 comment:

  1. Very passionate! Thank you for a great read. I particularly liked your comment, "Reform is an effort to try and keep the same basic system in place - while attempting to make some changes in the the system whithout really chnaging the basic concepts of the system - this is insanity." Very true.
